In the research group “Vicuñas Camelidos y Ambiente” (VICAM), biologists, archaeologists, agronomists and veterinarians from CONICET work together with the community of Santa Catalina, in Jujuy, to make sustainable use of the vicuña by revaluing the Chaku: an ancestral technique of capturing and shearing vicuñas. The researchers seek, then, to expand the biological knowledge of the species while contributing to its conservation. VICUÑAS is a unitary that seeks to portray the enormous commitment of researchers and the community in pursuit of joint work and to rethink how environmental education can play a key role in the destiny of the Andean peoples. The vicuña is an animal of great biological, ecological, historical and cultural importance for the communities of the highlands. Its fiber is one of the finest in the world and has been valued since ancient times. After the Spanish conquest, vicuña populations were hunted to the brink of extinction. Thanks to the commitment of local communities and authorities in the Andean countries, the vicuña was recovered.