another beautiful piece, thank you to Mrs. Ewa Brzozowska thanks to whom I found Darlene Zschech's songs... she has beautiful pieces, and here is one of them ;) translated slowly, more recommended ones are being written.. all of them are so beautiful that I can't keep up with writing.. ;) but I will definitely translate all of them slowly You are still fighting for us, your Lord Angels are among us For me, you are the King, Jesus, my savior He is my Lord You help and defend me When I fall, you give me your hand, thanks to your grace I live to praise you Today I want to kneel before you to pay homage to you Let this news be carried that you are our King Let today the ocean of Your Grace fill us to the very edge Thanks to your grace I live to praise you Alleluia You have conquered death You have conquered sin Alleluia Jesus Christ, reign forever over us! You stand in our defense You save each soul Nothing can defeat you You are the light amidst the storms Christ the Messiah King of the Universe You are my hope thanks to Your grace I live to praise You The whole Universe bows and the darkness recedes Jesus Christ the King is the Unconquered! You have saved us through the cross You have shed Your blood for us Jesus Christ You have conquered You have conquered every sin! text/translation – Sylwia Piotrowska Original version - Victor's Crown – Darlene Zschech