"I thought my boyfriend was protecting me, but he's the one who threw me into this ambush" Subscribe so you don't miss anything https://bit.ly/INAMireilleDumas Private Life Public Life – Sexual violence: who's to blame? France 3 10/16/2002 Even today, with the Mazan trial, gang rape cases are still making headlines. Mireille Dumas already addressed the subject in 2002, when she received Samira Belli, who for the first time on television, broke the law of silence with great courage to talk about "the hell of gang rape", of which she was a victim at the age of 14. Samira died in 2004 of cancer, 2 years after her testimony. ***** info on comments ***** On YouTube channels, you are free to give your opinion, even if it is critical. To ensure the quality of the debate, we ask you to always remain calm, polite and respectful of other commentators. Proselytism, rude, aggressive, irreverent remarks towards a person or a group of people are prohibited. Any insulting or defamatory comment will be deleted. We reserve the right to ban any user who does not respect the rules of the community. ******************************************************************* #INA #MireilleDumas #Archive