On Hinamatsuri (Girl's Day) in 2011, Shimizu Koko, then 3 years old, was murdered by a university student at a supermarket in Kumamoto City. Shimizu Seiichiro, a father whose daughter was suddenly taken from him, continues to give lectures around the country, revealing his face and name, saying, "I will continue to pass on the proof that my daughter lived." "Such a tragic incident must never happen again." We bring you an almost uncut recording of Shimizu's lecture, held in Ehime Prefecture in 2021. It is filled with the lives of the "victim's family" who continue to be at the mercy of the incident and their indescribable feelings. (Interviewed on "NEWS CH.4" on November 23, 2021) #incident #police #victim #victim's family #Kumamoto #Ehime #Nankai Broadcasting #Ehime news #newsch4 ↓↓Please subscribe to our channel! ↓↓ / rnbnewsch4 ◇ Ehime news is Nankai Broadcasting NEWS CH.4 Monday to Friday from 6:15 pm Twitter / rnb_houdou HP https://ch4.rnb.co.jp/ ◇ Nankai Broadcasting Channel / @nankaichannel