???? Get access to the channel's exclusive content, with video lessons and PDF materials, and ace your tests: https://bit.ly/conteudoexclusivofisio... Bone is a living, complex and dynamic tissue that performs numerous important functions in the body. This class is an introduction to osteology. Here we will have an overview of this tissue, talking about the functions, main characteristics and the macroscopic classification of bones. Content: Function of bones; Axial and appendicular skeleton Classification of bones: short, flat, irregular and long Vascular supply Bones with special characteristics References: treatise on veterinary anatomy Dyce basic histology - junqueira and carneiro Become a member of the FisioVets channel and have access to exclusive videos: https://bit.ly/3JkRrcB Don't click here, please: https://bit.ly/3Igurv5