To support me in creating videos, simply comment, share, thumbs up and subscribe! And for those who wish and whose finances allow it: https://fr.tipeee.com/agriculture-viv... To find your way around: 00:00 Intro 00:58 Worst year for outdoor tomatoes 03:48 Potato report 04:14 The Carolus potato 05:09 Sarpo Una 06:07 Mogettes saved by the dryer 09:36 A good year for white corn from Monein 11:15 The yield of population corn 13:47 Not really a year for melons… 14:47 The good surprise of the year: Sugar Baby watermelon 16:13 Planting white mustard after crops 27:25 Butternut and large white, blue or pink squash… 28:39 The dryer saved the crops! See you next time!