Laz accidentally runs over her beloved cat, causing Laz to scream and Shimiya to panic. Ren is surprised by Laz's loud voice. Shimiya Luna's VCRGTA original stream: [VCR GTA3] Day 7 [VSPO! / Shimiya Luna] https://www.youtube.com/live/8GWD0UfO... 00:00 Shimiya's ringtone 02:06 Shibuharu's hobbies 06:31 Still an otaku as always 07:37 Shibuharu voice completed 11:54 Breaking money kamito 16:33 Premature reply 17:36 Playing with support 19:25 Get in and click right 21:40 Laz is like a kid 23:28 Kid Miya 28:25 Bad driving 30:48 Laz's pranks 33:49 Shimiya makes Laz cry 35:28 No seat belt needed Vspo! License number: 00283 #VSPO #Shinomiya Luna #Laz