Friends, my little dream came true, this year I visited the Tersky coast of the Kola Peninsula. I haven't received so many emotions from fishing and so much adrenaline from traveling for a long time. Please watch the film to the end, I managed to catch a salmon and escape from the bear)))) I recommend watching • Fishing in the spring with an overnight stay on a wild lake ... - Trout • Astrakhan l catching roach in the spring l Asp ... - Astrakhan 2024 • RAV 4 storms the taiga l Caught a trout ... - A day off in the fresh air • We catch pike on an uninhabited lake l wild ... - Uninhabited lake • Kayaking on the Onega River / On ... - Kayaking on the Onega River • Fishing in Karelia l Clear Lake l Yes ... - Gave battle to roach • Umba 2023 l Fishing on the Kola Peninsula ... - We catch pink salmon on the Kola Peninsula my social networks networks: https://vk.com/ponomarev_residence We can chat here: https://t.me/LiBND Help with channel development, saving up for a quadcopter: Sberbank: 5469 5500 5167 5350 Tinkoff: 5536 9139 9166 3705 #fishing #pink salmon #kolsky #fishing #fishingonkolsky #salmon #travel #Varzuga #river