Based on the example of Hungary, Varro Vooglaid explains what a balanced domestic and foreign policy of the country could look like and points out how it differs from the situation in Estonia. He also discusses the environmental and economic dangers of the planned phosphorite mine in the current political situation of Estonia. Vooglaid also explains the mechanism of the phosphorite mining concession, explaining what consequences its implementation may have for the Estonian state and people. In addition, he discusses why our politicians support such a process and what benefits they hope to gain from it. Finally, Vooglaid gives an overview of how to organize a referendum that would allow the Estonian people to stop the plans for phosphorite mining. See the full-length interview with Varro Vooglaiu on the Vanglaplaneet Vastupanuliikumis page: https://vanglaplaneet.ee/vastupanu During the mammoth four-hour interview, we talk about several current topics. We are talking about attacks on the family as the foundation of the state and society. We also discuss the political situation in Estonia, touching on the apparent character of democracy and the possibilities of its restoration. We will also talk about the ongoing military conflicts and the biggest threats that may affect Estonia's security. In addition, we will talk about Estonian mainstream and alternative media, we will discuss the latest developments in connection with the Estonian Conservative People's Party and several other exciting topics.