DOWNLOAD OUR FREE E-BOOK WITH QUESTIONS ABOUT THE VARGAS ERA THAT HAVE ALREADY APPEARED IN THE ENEM: https://lp.seliga.com.br/ebook-era-va... This is the first class of the ENEM NINJAS WEEK, which is a Se Liga initiative that aims to teach the most frequently asked questions in the ENEM exam in a quick, objective and free way. In this first video class, the teacher will explain the Vargas Era and the Military Regime, 36 years of history that marked our country and, without a doubt, the events that happened during these times influence us to this day. Have you already heard of Se Liga's complete course for the Enem and entrance exams? We have incredible video classes for all subjects, as well as essay corrections, a question-answering service via WhatsApp and much more! Visit: seliga.com.br Follow us on Instagram! Here: /seliga_enem_e_vestibulares WANT MORE CLASSES? History of Brazil - https://goo.gl/WAbJOz History of the World - https://goo.gl/KSq3Qz Philosophy - https://goo.gl/xbuBEi Geography - https://goo.gl/McqcqH Sociology - https://goo.gl/2rRDiy