Are you looking for a vanilla flan, tasty and melting? Here is my flan recipe as I like them, with vanilla, and a comforting creaminess. Share your emotions with me in the comments, and if you have any questions, do not hesitate! Here is the recipe for a 16cm diameter circle: Shortcrust pastry: 250 g T55 flour 125 g butter 2 g fine salt 30 g whole milk 1 egg Custard cream: 200 g whole milk 75 g liquid cream 1 vanilla pod 2 yolks 2 eggs 45 g brown sugar 20 g cornstarch 10 g liquid vanilla A huge thank you to: My incomparable Thierry from ThimeStudio: https://thimestudio.fr de Buyer Industrie for the equipment: https://www.debuyer.com Jackets and aprons: https://www.a-lafont.com Zenchef for their welcome: https://www.zenchef.com/fr/ Music and Audio Effects licensed* to Thime Studio: Happy (Baszz) *Envato Pty Ltd IPC: 1bc9a935-2899-4c16-8c3b-629b79515d38 Additional transitions: Reazenn ( / @reazenn )