#Г85 #ваганковскоефедбище The Vagankovskoye necropolis, located to the west of the Presnenskaya outpost in Novye Vaganki, emerged at the end of the 18th century and became one of the outstanding historical and cultural monuments of Moscow. The official year of its foundation is considered to be 1771, although historical sources indicate that slabs of earlier burials were found on this site. According to legend, Tsarevich Dmitry, brother of Tsar Vasily Shuisky (1606-1610), was buried in the cemetery of the village of Novye Vaganki. The area of Novye Vaganki itself has been reliably known only since the second half of the 18th century. There are several interpretations of the origin of its name: from the word “vaganitsya”, which, according to V.I. Dahl, in the Vologda dialect meant “to amuse, play, shy, fool around”; from the word “vaga” (scales) or from the “vagan” tax levied for weighing goods; from the word “vagans” - this is what they called the hound keepers who lived at the Tsar’s Hound Yard. It is historically certain that from 1446, near the Kremlin, in the area of the Pashkov House and the current Lenin Library, there was a settlement of vagans - Old Vagankovo (preserved in the name of the modern Starovagankovsky Lane), which in the 17th century was transferred to the area of the Presnensky Three Mountains, on the remote outskirts of the city and received the name New Vagankovo. The cemetery also began to be named after the area - Vagankovo. ******************************************************************************* Dear subscribers of the G85 channel! Despite the fact that due to circumstances I have not been in Moscow since March of this year, I continue to receive requests to continue the video series about the capital's cemeteries. In order to fulfill this wish, I need to be in Moscow at least for a while. But due to the difficult financial situation, I am not yet able to do this, although I have the desire. If you are able to provide financial support to the channel for a ticket to Moscow and accommodation in the capital for at least a week, then I am ready to go and do all the necessary work. I will be glad to receive your help! My card (Sberbank): 5469 4000 1796 7055 Thank you in advance, dear friends!