Visit our website: https://aprendemosjuntos.bbva.com/ Subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI6Q... Follow us on Facebook: http://fb.com/aprendemosjuntosBBVA Follow us on Instagram: /aprendemosjuntosbbva Follow us on Twitter: /prendejuntos_ Listen to our podcasts on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/07rXxtO... How can we encourage the reading habit in children? Miguel Salas, PhD in Literature and professor, responds bluntly: “We look for easy leisure activities that take our minds off things in exchange for very little, watching TV, checking our cell phone, or playing with it.” But he adds: “If we are setting this example for our children, it will be very difficult for them to pick up a book.” In his latest book, ('Reading Plan: Surviving Adolescence Without Stopping Reading'), Salas offers some advice to help parents in this regard: find moments of reading as a family, listen to audiobooks in the car or put a bookshelf in our children's room, with the aim of building their own library from a young age. For him, there are also social causes that affect reading, because "it requires concentration, depth, serenity, silence... but the society in which we live encourages the opposite: dispersion, multitasking and changing the focus of our attention, especially because of screens." However, he adds, "it is important to remember that reading improves our attention," especially in children and adolescents: "We are seeing serious problems in our students to maintain attention and concentration, something very worrying," he explains. Miguel Salas argues that reading encourages imagination, evasion and reflection. Something that he considers essential in the times we live in: "When a person is focused on reading, 99% of their interaction with the environment is blocked." For this reason, “it is one of the most relaxing activities there is.” As a book enthusiast, he points out the need to retreat from time to time to a world of imagination, learning and enjoyment, in order to recharge our batteries and return with more energy to our daily tasks. “Something fundamental that we all need today,” he concludes. #Let'sLearnTogether