In 1958, the first V100s rolled out on the Federal Railway. By 1966, there were over 700 of them. Manufactured by well-known locomotive factories. A V100 also hit the tracks at the Reichsbahn. It is very similar to its West German counterpart. In 1967, series production began at LEW in Hennigsdorf. The new machines had the same tasks as their western counterpart: replacing steam operation in medium to light passenger and freight transport. More about the V100 here: https://www.ekshop.de/dvd-cd/dvd/stol... Become a channel member for just 2.99/month as a "passenger", for 3.99/month as a "stoker", for 4.99/month as a "locomotive driver" or for 7.99/month as a "train dispatcher". There are now well over 300 full-length films to watch without advertising / @thetraintv