[Yoon Sam's My Pet Counseling Center Exclusive Coupon] ● Coupon Name: Additional 20% discount on Yoon Sam's Barun Bento (up to 8,940 won) Product Link: https://me2.kr/ezd0l ● How to Use Log in to About Pet homepage MY → My Coupons → Enter 'Yoon Sam's Barun Bento' in the 8-12 digit coupon number field and register coupon (automatically applied when purchasing Barun Bento sand) ● Note This coupon can be used in conjunction with shopping cart coupons. This coupon is limited to 1 per person. Issuance period (2022.7. 14~7. 16) *Can be used within 3 days of issuance/Cannot be reissued thereafter #Cat #Veterinarian #YoonSam YoonSam Hospital: YoonSam World Pet Animal Hospital, 477-1 Jinheung-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul Advertising and sponsorship inquiries: [email protected] Channel paid membership subscription address: / @yoonsem YoonSam Instagram: / my.pet.clinic YoonSam's Dog Counseling Center: / @yoonsem_dog