The Middle East, a global issue that is on the front page of today's news! Why and for what does the Middle East commit violence? To understand the Middle East, you must properly understand the culture and history of Islam. From the etymology of the 'Middle East' to the birth of 'Islam', the religion of 1.9 billion Muslims! Everything about Islam! In the first hour, we will take a look at the 1,500-year history of Muslims. #ClassE #Knowledge #Lecture #Nature #911 #Explosion #Terrorism #Muslim #Islam #IslamicReligion #Taliban #Al Qaeda #IS #TerroristOrganization #ReligiousWar #Crusades #Jews ????BroadcastInformation ????ProgramName: ClassE - Park Hyun-do's History of Muslims in the Middle East Lecture 12 Islam and Terrorism ????BroadcastDate: October 7, 2021