DID YOU KNOW? - There is NOW an ONLINE course for MIKP exam preparation. Simply go to https://www.meister-wolf.info In this video you will learn how to create the utility analysis using a text task. The tasks are based on IHK exam tasks and I will show you the structure using an exam task. You will understand why a pair comparison can be useful and how to solve the task using an exam task. Have fun with the video and if you have any questions, just use the comments or write me a direct email to: [email protected] or just visit my website https://www.meister-wolf.info Here you will also find my online course for optimal exam preparation in the subject MKIP Methods of information, communication and planning. https://elopage.com/s/henrik-wolf/mikp Who am I: I am a trainer and examiner at the Munich Chamber of Industry and Commerce and teach the subjects MIKP, methods of information communication and planning in the basic qualifications (BQ) for industrial masters and media specialists, and the subject area PSK, planning, control and communication in the action-specific qualifications (HQ). If you would like to find out more about me, visit my website http://www.henrik-wolf.de Why this video: I have noticed more and more in class that sometimes there is not enough time to repeat. Then it is an advantage if you can listen to the same lecturer with the same task again at home. What is my goal and my passion: Especially on YouTube, knowledge is distributed in huge quantities. But I don't mean concrete and simple explanations. Rather, complex and complicated. That is exactly what I want to counteract, with videos that are as short as possible and compressed to the essentials. This is also the goal of my main business at webAndMotion, how we implement complex technology easily with 3D visualization. http://www.webandmotion.de Subscribe to my channel and receive new content from me automatically. / @meister-wolf Thank you for watching my video. Henrik Wolf