In actions for usucaption of an apartment or lot regularly registered with the competent real estate registry, the plan and descriptive memorial are waived, which is great, since this is a document that covers a good part of the total amount spent on a judicial or extrajudicial usucaption action. But be careful, the apartment or lot must already be regularly registered with the notary's office, that is, registered with the competent real estate registry for that real estate property. The purpose of the plan and descriptive memorial is precisely to record the exact measurements and location of the property, but in the case of an apartment or lot in regularly registered subdivisions, this specification already exists in the individual property registration. For this reason, the understanding of the courts is that such a document can be waived. You can find more information about this content on our blog by accessing the link below: https://stefanesadvocacia.com/ And also, subjects related to Real Estate Law in general, also access: https://stefaneseportelaadvogados.com... ELIZANE STEFANES - OAB/SC 56.378 [email protected] (47) 9 9940-2827#usucapiãodeapartamento