Video by Filippo R. In this new video some shots I took one day in August 2018. The protagonists are the three types of vehicles of the Stadtbahn of Hannover: TW 6000, 2000/2500 & TW 3000. The Stadtbahn of Hannover is a transport system that serves the capital of Lower Saxony and the surrounding municipalities; it derives from the strengthening of the old tram network, whose central sections were buried, making them similar to a subway. The network is made up of 12 ordinary lines (for a total of 123 km of track with 195 stops, of which 19 in tunnels), to which are added 2 reinforcement lines on the occasion of trade fair events. The network, managed by infra, is electrified at 600 V DC, while the service is managed by üstra. Enjoy the viewing, everyone! Die Stadtbahn Hannover is a Verkehrssystem des öffentlichen Personennahverkehrs in der niedersächsischen Landeshauptstadt Hannover. You enter through the Umbau of the Hanoverian Straßenbahn to a Stadtbahnsystem, the Elements of Straßenbahn and U-Bahn veroint. Betreiber der Stadtbahn ist das Verkehrsunternehmen üstra, die Infrastruktureinrichtungen gehören der infra. The Netz besteht aus 12 Linien (insgesamt 123 km Gleise mit 195 Haltestellen, davon 19 im Tunnel), zu denen 2 Bedarfslinien hinzukommen. Viel Spaß beim Anschauen! #üstra #Hanover #niedersachsen #tw3000 #düwag #tramway #ubahn #stadtbahn #straßenbahn #tramspotting