USTADZAH HALIMAH ALAYDRUS THIS IS THE CAUSE OF THE BIGGEST REGRET IN LIFE Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, There is no greatest regret in life except regret caused by not knowing and not being able to love the Prophet Muhammad SAW. In this short video we will listen to Ustadzah Halimah Alaydrus's sermon on the causes of the greatest human regret in the afterlife. What are they? Let's watch this video until the end, may Allah give us understanding and strength to practice what we hear so that it becomes useful and blessed knowledge, aamiin ya rabbal 'alamin.. Allah gives a powerful weapon for Muslims in asking for help and protection from Allah, namely prayer. Prayer has extraordinary power and destiny can be changed with prayer. Prayer is one form of hope in Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, indicating that we really need Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Ustadz Halimah Alaydrus's sermons are nutrients for our souls to continue to be enthusiastic in fighting to improve ourselves in achieving the pleasure of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. There are so many messages or lessons that we can take from sermons, so that we always think positively to achieve the happiness of tawakal by becoming a human being who always improves ourselves by organizing our hearts. This is a very good healing for advice and nutrition in our lives. Thank you to our teacher Ustadzah Halimah Alaydrus for her very useful knowledge and her extraordinary advice for us. Hopefully this will be a jahiriyah charity for Ustadzah and her team that Allah will repay with heaven. And this, God willing, will be useful knowledge and blessings for all of us. and I ask permission from Ustadzah to share her sermons through this Sahabat Cerita channel, hopefully it will reach many other friends, aamiin. #ngaji #kajianislam #dakwahislam #ustadzahhalimahalaydrus