Q&A Ustadz Khalid Basalamah Regarding Household Problems. Households certainly cannot be free from problems. There are several household problems that often hit married couples. Many factors cause household problems to arise. When facing household problems, families must face them well. Do not let the problem go unresolved and have a negative impact on the relationship. This video contains several pointers from Ustadz Khalid Basalamah regarding household problems. Spread it with the aim of Dakwah. Hopefully it will be a Jariyah Charity. Barakallahu Fiikum. Jazaakumullahukhairan #family #household #husband and wife #khalidbasalamah #hijrah #sunnah studies #islamic studies #studies #islamic studies #religious studies #religious studies #religious studies #funny sermons #salaf studies #sermons #short sermons #religious sermons #short sermons #ustadzkhalidbasalamah