In this episode, we show the functionalities and benefits of the 2nd generation smart tachograph. Filmed at the Mercedes-Benz Commercial Vehicle Center, we show the integration of this innovative technology into the new Mercedes Actros truck. The importance of compliance: New regulations stipulate that all vehicles registered after certain dates must be equipped with a second generation smart tachograph, such as the VDO DTCO version 4.1 shown in the Mercedes Actros truck. Recognizable by its Bluetooth symbol, this technology simplifies the lives of drivers, especially in international transport. Automated border crossing recording: Traditionally, drivers manually marked border crossings in their tachographs when crossing borders and entering a new country. However, the second generation smart tachograph automatically records these border crossings, eliminating the need for manual entry. Activity justification: Drivers now have additional responsibilities when it comes to reporting activities, especially in international transport. The smart tachograph encourages drivers to mark the completion of certain activities, which simplifies the reporting process. Extended activity entry time: One significant improvement over previous tachographs is the extended time drivers have to enter their post-driving activities. While earlier models only allowed one minute for entry, the second generation of the smart tachograph provides a generous ten-minute window. Post-driving activity entry demonstration: We demonstrate the process of entering post-driving activities into the tachograph. By inserting a driver card and following the instructions, drivers can accurately record their rest and work periods, ensuring regulatory compliance. Conclusion: The second generation of the smart tachograph revolutionizes driver activity reporting, offering enhanced functionality and ease of use. With automated border crossing recording and extended activity entry time, drivers can focus more on their core responsibilities while ensuring regulatory compliance. Stay tuned for more insights into this cutting-edge technology in one of the next episodes.