Dominant chords work best when made more dissonant, here I show you how to achieve it: • How to make the 7th or dominant chords... In this tutorial we will see how to use secondary dominants to enrich the harmony, Download the PDF of this lesson here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/59qxpv... We will see in this class how they work and how we can apply secondary dominants in our musical arrangements or compositions, we will also talk about how we can apply tensions to these chords. Secondary dominants are the fifth degrees of the different chords of the scale, they are used to highlight each of them or in some cases to make tone changes. The tensions of these chords depend on whether the chord is major or minor, just as it happens with the dominant chords of the scales, which extract their tensions from the destination scale. The secondary dominants have as a rule to be for the different chords of the scale, their creation note must be one of the scale and the destination chord must also belong to it. For this reason we only find five secondary dominants, excluding the fifth degree of the scale, since this is the main dominant, the seventh degree or diminished chord is also not used as a secondary dominant because it would not be part of the scale. Even though the example of the lesson is made on C we must remember that we must always apply this to all the tonalities, both major and minor, even if we are working on modal harmony there is the option of using this type of dominants. Finally we will see how this thing of the secondary dominants works within the major and minor scales, with this we will achieve a great variety and possibilities for our musical creations. This is a lesson purely of musical theory, but it is applicable to any instrument in any musical style or genre, I hope you like it and you can extract this concept of the secondary dominants for your next compositions and arrangements. Find in this list of videos everything we have about reharmonization on the channel: • Playlist Learn about our online guitar and music training courses: https://clasesdeguitarra.com.co/ Buy our books: https://clasesdeguitarra.com.co/libro...