Eggshells are a good organic fertilizer. You can collect the shells over a certain period of time, because they are fairly germ-free when they are boiled. It is important that they can dry well! To distribute the egg lime evenly in the bed, use a mortar or food processor or put them in a bag and crush them with a heavy object. The finer the egg dust, the faster the lime is available to the plants as additional fertilizer. The crushed shells can be added to the water used for watering or mixed directly into the soil. Before using, you should consider the lime content of the soil and that of the water used for watering! If you water with calcareous tap water, additional fertilization with eggshells is not necessary. Eggshells increase the pH value. Therefore, under no circumstances should you fertilize rhododendrons, blueberries or azaleas - i.e. bog plants - with them. These live in acidic soil and do not tolerate lime. Lime is particularly good for many rock garden plants in rocky areas. You can find more tips for the garden, balcony and terrace on Instagram: Horst_sein_Schrebergarten Horst took over his allotment in the summer of 2018. After training as a landscape gardener in Baden-Württemberg, he went to study biology at the Free University of Berlin. Always by his side: Fritz the Affenpinscher. He has fresh gardening tips for you on Sundays on YouTube and in the RBB Gartenzeit! #Eggs #Eggshells #Fertilizer #Miracle cure #Fertilizer #Additional fertilizer #Plant fertilizer #Fertilizer waste