???? Thank you everyone✨???? ~????Official LINE???? https://lin.ee/1a1laTI ????♀️About Kaguya Rei~ I received a business card that says I am the mother of an 11-year-old daughter who has enlightened me and an 8-year-old newborn alien twin, and my family of five lives a relaxed two-base life according to the season. Now I love listening to the voices of the new Earth and creating, and before I knew it, I had developed and operated about five businesses, but my life is quite normal and leisurely, but the circulation of happiness is expanding more and more, and I often hear successful people say, "Why? I don't understand why things work out even though they are so fluffy." Lol Yes, this is the atmosphere of the new era lol ???? The employees who create with me are four beautiful helpers who are like goddesses, who come to help me once a week, and the main force is bacteria and microorganisms that run the business. So everyone is free to do what they want, when they want, as much as they want. My first encounter with 369 Kin-chan was in December 2019, when a completely stranger introduced me to a fungus born from a bamboo tree. The arrival of 369 Kin-chan has greatly changed the lives of our family. Many prophetic figures have come before me and told me, "You are Princess Kaguya of today," and for some reason, this felt right, so I am Kaguya Rei. After I said this, everything started moving in an amazing way, and by listening to the voices of bacteria and microorganisms and taking action, things and answers that went beyond common sense began to appear before my eyes. I have experienced many things at high speed and often felt like I was going to collapse, but now I have a physical body and am living happily in the new 369 world. And in this transitional period, we are helping to create a new world through live streaming, so that we can be a guidepost of hope for everyone.✨ Let's create a more enjoyable present from here.✨ Please register for our official LINE so that we can respond smoothly and flexibly to anything that happens.✨ (If something happens, we will also hold emergency Zoom Lives there.????) ????Official LINE???? https://lin.ee/1a1laTI ☀️ FR369, the superfood of the future created in collaboration with bacteria and microorganisms Kaguya 369 shop☀️ ???? ???? https://kaguya369.base.shop/ ???? Everything about Kaguya 369 is here???????? HP ???? https://369codama.com ???? Morning bodywork to strengthen the tanden 6 days a week???? Kaguya Rei 369BODY Morning Salon Overview * We are not currently recruiting???? ???? https://kaguyaray666.wixsite.com/369m... ????Kaguya Rei Ameba Blog???? https://ameblo.jp/lemurialei/ ????Daily Kaguya Instagram???? https://www.instagram.com/kaguyaray36... ☀️Recipe variations using the power of bio to maintain stamina, improve skin condition, and improve sleep quality☀️ ???? ???? https://www.instagram.com/p/CYsR_UmBu... ????For those of you who are worried about your partnership???? I decided to write a limited article on note that focuses on the role of partners in the new era and the role of a female Rei✨ The article is here???? https://ameblo.jp/lemurialei/entry-12... Please click here????♀️✨ #LawsoftheUniverse #KaguyaRei #369 #The World of Maitreya #Seoritsuhime #Hidden Goddess #Quantum Mechanics #Laws of the Universe #Bacteria and Microorganisms # #Reiwa Way of Life #Kaguya Rei #Deep Psychology #Psychology #Women's Happiness #Talent Development #Love and Harmony #Messenger of Bacteria