Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, after holding a meeting of the country's security cabinet and agreeing to establish a ceasefire with the Lebanese Hezbollah group, appeared in front of the cameras and said: "The first reason for the ceasefire agreement in Lebanon is that we must focus on the threat of the Islamic Republic. » "We are changing the face of the Middle East," Netanyahu said in part of his remarks to the cameras. #خبر_فوري #Netanyahu =================== #Iran #Yonika #Khebar_Yonika To support us, please subscribe to the channel ============ ======= To get more news, you can refer to Unika's website at the following address https://unikanews.com =================== If the publication of this The program violates your copyright. You can share the problem with us by email [email protected] ================== Note: The comments section for All videos are open. Followers can express their opinions freely. Comments that contain profanity, immoral and insulting words will be deleted ===================== Unica programs including different sections such as; Unica news, politics cafe, Iran in the world media, policy call, political analysis of the day, tips and tweets are the hot writings of the week ===================== Unica news-analytical database is a media-oriented media that reflects news and information related to Iran. Unica was founded and operates in the direction of not silencing the voice of Iranians all over the world. Unica is an independent, free and national media and has no affiliation with any particular person, private institution or government ====================