Understand the definition, how it works, its importance and the elements that make up urban drainage. Everything is covered in a very easy and dynamic way. In Brazil, we are used to hearing news about floods that cause a lot of damage in cities. In this scenario, urban drainage is an element that, when well implemented, can minimize and perhaps even solve this problem once and for all. Therefore, it is essential to understand at least the basics about this subject so that the topic can spread and gain more relevance in our society. Author: Brunno Augusto Rocha. Undergraduate in Environmental and Sanitary Engineering at the Federal University of Goiás - UFG. Instagram: @brunno.august and @infosustentavel47 Sources: http://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/... https://www.eosconsultores.com.br/com... https://pixabay.com/pt/ (Images) https://www.pexels.com/pt-br/ (Images)