Carla Albuquerque is a renowned journalist, creator of the programs Investigação Criminal, Operação Policial and others. In this episode Carla brought up some of the most absurd cases in Hollywood history and the most recent digital crimes that have been terrorizing our society. ========= CARLA ALBUQUERQUE - TIKTAL EP. #4 • CARLA ALBUQUERQUE - TIKTAL #4 ========= Instagram TikTal @tiktalcast Hosts' Instagram @reidias.sa @lucass.fellin Guest @carlabuq ========= ✂ Cuts are released after 24 hours of the episode ending ???? Don't forget to put the full video in the cut description #cuts #podcast #cutspodcast #investigativejournalism #investigation #PoliceOperation #CarlaAlbuquerque #tiktal #truecrimecommunity