⭐️Mind maps and questions in this ink: https://antoniodotribunal.com/ldb-em-... ????Download FREE Questions: https://antoniodotribunal.com/materia... Class 01: • UPDATED LDB: Contest for Profess... Class 02: • UPDATED LDB: Contest for Profess... Class 03: • UPDATED LDB: Contest for Profess... Class 04: • UPDATED LDB: Contest for Profess... Class 05: • UPDATED LDB: Contest for Profess... TITLE V Levels and Modalities of Education and Teaching CHAPTER I Composition of School Levels Art. 21. School education consists of: I - basic education, formed by early childhood education, elementary education and secondary education; II - higher education. CHAPTER II BASIC EDUCATION Section I General Provisions Art. 22. The purposes of basic education are to develop the student, ensure him/her the common education indispensable for the exercise of citizenship, and provide him/her with the means to progress in work and in further studies. Sole paragraph. The main objectives of basic education are full literacy and the formation of readers, as essential requirements for fulfilling the purposes contained in the caput of this article. (Included by Law No. 14,407, of 2022) Art. 23. Basic education may be organized into annual grades, semester periods, cycles, regular alternation of study periods, non-serial groups, based on age, competence, and other criteria, or by a different form of organization, whenever the interest of the learning process so recommends. § 1 The school may reclassify students, including in the case of transfers between establishments located in the country and abroad, based on the general curricular standards. § 2º The school calendar must adapt to local peculiarities, including climatic and economic ones, at the discretion of the respective education system, without thereby reducing the number of teaching hours provided for in this Law. Art. 24. Basic education, at the elementary and secondary levels, shall be organized in accordance with the following common rules: I - the minimum annual workload shall be eight hundred hours for elementary and secondary education, distributed over a minimum of two hundred days of effective school work, excluding the time reserved for final exams, when applicable; (As amended by Law No. 13,415 of 2017) II - classification in any grade or stage, except the first of elementary education, may be made: a) by promotion, for students who successfully completed the previous grade or stage at the school itself; b) by transfer, for candidates from other schools; c) regardless of previous schooling, through an assessment carried out by the school, which defines the degree of development and experience of the candidate and allows his/her enrollment in the appropriate grade or stage, in accordance with the regulations of the respective education system; III - in establishments that adopt regular progression by grade, the school regulations may allow for forms of partial progression, as long as the sequence of the curriculum is preserved, in compliance with the rules of the respective education system; IV - classes or groups may be organized with students from different grades, with equivalent levels of advancement in the subject, for the teaching of foreign languages, arts, or other curricular components; V - the verification of academic performance will observe the following criteria: #teachercontest #teachercontest #pedagogy #stateteachercontest #cityhallcontest #ldb #bncc #eca #onlineteacher #publiccontest ⚠️????????✅❤️ ????????⭐️????????????????▶️