In the village of Nizhnie Lemezy, Lemezinsky village council, the memory of servicemen during the special operation in Ukraine was immortalized. Memorial plaques to privates Andrei Romashchenkov and Izgar Shaykhlislamov were installed on the facade of the school in the village of Nizhnie Lemezy. On the occasion of the opening of the memorial plaques, a mourning meeting was held in the village of Nizhnie Lemezy, which was attended by villagers, friends and relatives of the deceased, and students from their native school. The meeting was opened by the head of the Iglinsky district administration, Guzel Nasyrova. In their speech, each spoke about the deceased fellow villagers, how they were remembered in their memory. Andrei Romashchenkov was a sociable, kind student, ready to help his friends. Izgar Shaykhlislamov was a capable, responsive student, he loved labor lessons. Both students dreamed of serving in the army since childhood, in order to become worthy defenders of the Motherland. By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated June 6, 2022, Izgar Shaykhlislamov was awarded the Order of Courage posthumously. The Head of the Iglinsky District Administration, Guzel Nasyrova, presented the order to the deceased's wife. After the unveiling of the memorial plaques, the rally participants laid flowers and honored the victims with a minute of silence.