www.automotivotambore.com.br People ask me what the defect is with the pump cup, and they say it wasn't very clear in the video, so I'll explain: At the bottom of the pump module (pump cup), there is a fuel check valve. This valve only opens in one direction, which is the flow direction that allows the module to always remain full. The opposing pressure with the weight of the fuel closes the valve, not letting the level drop. When this valve of this model, which by the way is rarely used today, gets stuck open or breaks, the module has this defect. Note: This type of system is old. I can't say it's 100% obsolete, but I haven't seen this system installed in newer vehicles. The most modern system used today in the pump assembly, or complete module, uses a safer valve system. I haven't seen this type of defect in this system that uses a membrane. I hope I've helped. A big hug to everyone!