If you don't love yourself, you can't even believe that you are lovable. If you do not see the values, usefulness, possibilities, and strengths in yourself, you will also be uncertain and mistrustful of whether others see them in you. What actions does someone who doesn't love themselves take? Basically, you can get to know 3 samples from this video! Join us on our self-knowledge courses, we look forward to seeing you: https://tundersziv.hu/onelfogadas-kurzus Get our self-knowledge books for home - or as a GIFT for Christmas: https://bolt-om.hu Become a member of our EXCLUSIVE SELF-KNOWLEDGE CHANNEL! If you join this channel, you can receive rewards: / @tudat-omstudio-nemethierik737 Join our exclusive self-knowledge channel and gain additional useful insights about how you function! See the blocks, obstacles and opportunities running inside you and make the most of yourself, your life and your relationships. During membership, you will receive deeper, more advanced self-knowledge content that will help you get to know yourself better and lead a happier, more balanced life! We look forward to seeing you with SILVER or GOLD memberships! • Become a member of our exclusive channel! #onismeret #onfejlesztes #onertekeles #onelfogadas #onsertet