Unsolved Mysteries of Buddhism, Jade Relics and Incorruptible Flesh According to C. Marx and F. Engels, “religion is the complete withdrawal of the content of man and nature, the transfer of that content to a ghost. God is on the other side of the world, this God, then, out of mercy, returns to man and nature a little of his grace”. For the classics of Marxism, religion is a distorted, false, and illusory reflection of nature and man, of social relations. Or in other words, religion is the personification of nature, the “loss of human nature”. It is man who has endowed the gods with supernatural powers different from his own nature so that from there man has a support, is protected, and is comforted - even if it is only an “illusory” support. The question here is, what causes the “fanciful” and “illusory” reflection of religion? Why do people have such a need for religion and such great faith in religion? Standing firmly on the historical materialist standpoint, C. Marx and F. Engels argued that the emergence and existence of religion comes from objective reality, and the most important source of religion is socio-economic conditions. In their evolutionary history, humans first of all have the need to transform nature to create material wealth to meet their increasing needs. However, due to their low level and ability to transform nature, humans always feel weak and helpless before natural phenomena and have attributed supernatural powers to nature. That is the basis for the emergence of worship phenomena. In particular, when society is divided and oppressed by classes, social relationships become more complicated, a part of the people fall into a desperate situation, helpless before the ruling forces. In addition, spontaneous, random factors, unexpected risks beyond people's control cause them fear, anxiety, and loss of security. That is also the reason why people seek and rely on the protection of religion. Please watch the video on the CDTeam - Primitive Universe channel. ✔️ CDTeam - Primitive Universe will accompany you on the journey to decode mysterious events throughout human history... ✔️ Wish you have relaxing and useful moments! For all support for the channel, please donate via STK: 0393331668 - BIDV Bank - Nguyen Viet Cuong #Primitive Universe #Buddhism #cdteam