By unraveling any chord on the bass your life will become easier, after all, understanding which notes are part of the most famous chords will help you create grooves and solos on the bass in a more professional way. ✅ COMPLETE BASS COURSE: https://toquemaisbaixo.com.br ✅ PAGODE COURSE ON THE BASS: https://toquemaisbaixo.com.br/pagoden... ✅ BASS PROGRAM EVERY DAY: https://toquemaisbaixo.com.br/contrab... ✅ BASS COURSE IN JAZZ: https://toquemaisbaixo.com.br/obaixon... ✅ HARMONY COURSE ON THE BASS: https://toquemaisbaixo.com.br/harmoni... OPEN TELEGRAM GROUP: https://t.me/+0HwcmWwHIB41ODZh ✅ Did you like this video? ???? Subscribe to the channel ???? Leave your Like ✍️ Write your comment ???? Turn on notifications so you don't miss any videos posted. ???? Share with your friends, don't forget to subscribe! WHATSAPP TOQUEMAISBAIXO: 35 99191 4532 FOLLOW ON INSTAGRAM: / raphaelduvalle / toquemaisbaixo COME BE MY VIP STUDENT: https://toquemaisbaixo.com.br #AcordesnoBaixo #toquemaisbaixo #duvalle