Thanks for subscribing, like and comment!!) Watch first on Boosty SUPPORT THE AUTHOR AND BECOME A SPONSOR OF MY CHANNEL https://boosty.to/floramanspb2022/pur... Donation link - https://boosty.to/floramanspb2022/donate Telegram channel https://t.me/+PgLNAMbC3kUwYTI6 My TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@floraman_spb?... Yandex Zen https://zen.yandex.ru/floraman My profile on Avito _ link in the pinned Telegram, if there are offers for surplus, I will publish in the first pinned comment VK page - https://vk.com/floraman_spb VK group - https://vk.com/moyaflora Mailbox (for advertising offers and cooperation) - [email protected] Odnoklassniki - https://ok.ru/flora.man SOILS / POTS / PREPARATIONS / FERTILIZERS / HOW I STORE AND WHERE I HIDE Exclusive https://boosty.to/floramanspb2022/pos... Trash Plant Salon from the Tsitsin Botanical Garden in Moscow - https://boosty.to/floramanspb2022/pos... A WALK FOR MOSS / WHAT'S UP WITH THE NOSE? / HOW DOCTORS SPOILED ME - https://boosty.to/floramanspb2022/pos... AUTUMN TREATMENT OF THE COLLECTION WITH TWO PREPARATIONS - https://boosty.to/floramanspb2022/pos... TREATMENT of the collection for the purpose of prevention - https://boosty.to/floramanspb2022/pos... DIY PLANT SUPPORTS - https://dzen.ru/suite/496f9af6-2b9e-4... HOW TO PACK A PLANT FOR MAIL SHIPPING AND MY UNPACKING https://dzen.ru/suite/9ab3f93c-9de6-4... VLOG/COPYRIGHT TRIAL / FAVORITE FERTILIZERS / AT WORK THEY FOUND OUT ABOUT MY FLOWER PASSION https://boosty.to/floramanspb2022/pos... MAIDENTHUM / MAIDEN HAIR / HOW TO GROW WITHOUT A WICK / SOIL RECIPE AND ANALYSIS OF ERRORS Exclusive video available for viewing on Boost https://boosty.to/floramanspb2022/pos... MAIDENTHUMS AND ADAPTATION / LOSSES / HERBARIUMS / ROT AND OTHER TROUBLES / https://boosty.to/floramanspb2022/pos... UNPACKING FERNS WITH ALL LINKS AND PRICES TO THE SELLER https://boosty.to/floramanspb2022/pos... FIRST VIDEO OF UNPACKING WITH PRICES AND LINK TO THE SELLER https://boosty.to/floramanspb2022/pos... Hello, my name is Alexander, and I am the owner of a unique collection of rare and most common plants in the city of St. Petersburg. And on this channel I share my experience of working with plants and make useful videos for beginners and not only. On my channel you will find a lot of useful and interesting, controversial, unique. Transplantation of aroids, begonias, alocasias... Care of plants such as peperomia, begonias, gloxinia, cacti, succulents, orchids, etc. Excursions and walks through the gardens of St. Petersburg, the Tauride Garden, the Peter the Great Botanical Garden. Travel to Thai markets, Chatu-chak and private collections. General reviews of my collection. I share not only good, but also bad results, without hiding anything from my viewers. The channel has a friendly and pleasant atmosphere. You can buy my plants by contacting me in any convenient way above. I sell around the city - all year round, by mail - in the warm season. Exclusively surplus, but sometimes you have to free up space and huge specimens are also looking for a new home. Warmth and kindness to all!))