Watanabe Ken, a member of the comedy duo "Unjash," who is currently suspending his entertainment activities following reports of his extramarital affair, will hold a press conference in Tokyo on the 3rd at 7pm. Watanabe was reported in Weekly Bunshun in June to have had extramarital affairs with multiple women, and released a statement on his agency's website saying, "I deeply regret having deeply hurt my family and causing so much trouble to all my work colleagues who have always looked after me and to everyone who supports me." Since then, he has not been seen in public. *The content of the broadcast may change without notice. Please be forewarned. ■Subscribe to the channel: https://yahoo.jp/zaoidV ■List of articles on THE PAGE: https://yahoo.jp/g2tIKq #thepage_jp #pressconference#WatanabeKen