Physics Courses for Vestibular Paulista and ENEM ⚡ https://professorpinguim.com.br/ ???? INSTAGRAM / professorpinguim ???? #fuvest #professorpinguim #vestibularfuvest QUESTION 76 A person was stopped with his vehicle at a traffic light. When the green light of the traffic light turned on, the vehicle set off and the movement made to its destination can be divided into four sections: QUESTION 77 Figure 1 represents a DNA molecule, which resembles a twisted ladder, that is, it has the shape QUESTION 78 In a game, a person places a glass with its mouth down, touching the still surface of the water in a pool and, carefully, the QUESTION 79 The Brix scale, with values expressed in ºBx (degrees brix), is a numerical scale that indicates the amount of soluble solids in a sucrose solution. This scale is used in the food industry to measure QUESTION 80 Jaundice, a very common condition in newborns, is characterized by the yellowish color of the skin. This problem is related to the liver's difficulty in metabolizing bilirubin, a pigment generated by the metabolism of red blood cells. The main therapy used for jaundice is phototherapy, with the exposure of the newborn to a light source. QUESTION 81 The image, produced by an electron microscope, shows a cross-section of a nerve fiber responsible for transmitting information through electrical signals. This fiber is composed of the axon, the central region, surrounded by myelin, a fatty substance. QUESTION 82 Some fish, such as sharks, orient themselves by sensing the Earth's magnetic field. Since each location on Earth has a different magnetic signature, suppose QUESTION 86 A square plate with a mass of 2 kg and a side of 2 and a rectangular plate with a mass of 3 kg and sides of 2 by 4 have their respective masses evenly distributed, negligible thicknesses and are arranged,