#mynews #secondcall Afonso Marangoni debates the National Congress's retreat in relation to PL 1904/24 with writer and professor João Cezar de Castro Rocha, from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), and journalists Marcelo Madureira and Márcia Paravizzi, from Acústica FM radio. ________________ Visit our website: https://canalmynews.com.br/ 💙 Join the MyNews Members Team: https://bit.ly/3J3BWpY 🤝 Canal MyNews, an independent journalism channel on YouTube, informs that it authorizes the reproduction of its content, as long as due credit is given. To cite Canal MyNews, simply mention the name of the channel, the title of the video and the link to the video page on YouTube or to the article on the website. Reproduction of Canal MyNews content may not be done for commercial purposes or for purposes that violate the copyright of third parties. The MyNews Channel appreciates the dissemination of its content and hopes that this authorization contributes to the dissemination of quality and independent information. To access exclusive content on YouTube, first click on Playlist and then on Members. If you want to see how to access the exclusive area on the MyNews website, click here: • Post If you use IOS, become a member of the MyNews channel by clicking on this link: / @canalmynews Receive exclusive content: Chat and exclusive interviews; You Columnist Space; Promotions; MyNews Book Club: https://bit.ly/3sHBeH6 In addition, have your comments highlighted in the live chat and videos. _______________ MyNews Pension: / mynewsprevid%c3%aancia _______________ Do you know the Google News page of the MyNews Channel? Google News displays our main news from both the channel and our website and can be accessed at this link: https://news.google.com/publications/... ________________ Topic suggestions: [email protected] Members: [email protected] Canal MyNews informs that it authorizes the reproduction of its content, as long as due credits are given. To cite, simply mention the name of the channel and the link to the video or to the article on the website. The reproduction of the content cannot be done for commercial purposes or for purposes that violate the copyright of third parties. Canal MyNews thanks you for sharing and hopes that this authorization contributes to the dissemination of quality information. Offenses, spam or advertisements will be removed. #MyNews