Racism in Brazil puts black people ahead in unemployment, homicide, and lack of access to healthcare and education statistics. Who is racial democracy for? The myth of racial democracy, which has been around in Brazil since 1930, is based on the principle that there is no discrimination against any human being based on their skin color. Therefore, there are also no barriers to the advancement and social coexistence of black people. This theory - which disregards all the harmful effects of slavery on the black population - gained strength in the 1960s and is still used today to delegitimize discussions on racial issues and also to affirm equal opportunities for all human beings. Professor Adilson Moreira and Professor Thula Pires explain how it is impossible to talk about racial democracy in a country where prejudice, stigmatization, and segregation based on skin color are still so strong. From the treatment given by public systems, whether in education, security, or healthcare, to open and hidden racism within private corporations. Participants: Adilson Moreira, Writer and Professor with a PhD in Anti-Discrimination Law from Harvard University and Thula Pires, Writer and Professor with a PhD in Constitutional Law and State Theory from PUC Rio de Janeiro More information: https://jornal.usp.br/ciencias/cienci... https://brasil.elpais.com/brasil/2018... https://www.cartacapital.com.br/socie... https://www12.senado.leg.br/noticias/... https://www.geledes.org.br/sobre-raci... https://www.conjur.com.br/2009-nov-01... http://www.suplementopernambuco.com.b... https://www1.folha.uol.com.br/cotidia... http://blogueirasnegras.org/2018/09/2... https://www.esquerdadiario.com.br/Sau... https://www.geledes.org.br/mortalidad... https://www.geledes.org.br/mulheres-n... https://www.geledes.org.br/gravidas-p... https://projetoredacao.com.br/temas-d... https://extra.globo.com/casos-de-poli... http://www.esquerdadiario.com.br/Jove... https://www.geledes.org.br/menino-de-... www1.folha.uol.com.br/cotidia... https://veja.abril.com.br/brasil/mili... #DemocraciaRacial #Mito #CanalPreto