The village of Gunjaci in the municipality of Osecina is one of the largest villages in this municipality, it has about 350 households and close to 1000 inhabitants. The villagers are engaged in agriculture, fruit growing and cattle breeding. When winter comes and the snows cover this mountain village, then real small annual vacations arise for these mountain people, when they settle their cattle, they have fun in their own way, the way their ancestors used to do it. Here, the locals do not complain about God or the state, they live only from their work... And watch the rest in the movie... ...So that the past is not forgotten so that the future remembers.... Dobrivoje and Dobrila Pantelic village of Donje Brezovice 15 312 Zavlaka phone: (015)592-201 mobile: (064)329-44-06 e-mail: [email protected] website: Habits Radjevine-Dobrivoje and Dobrila Pantelic