We bring you the full talk of the premiere screening of "Watashi wa" with Komatsu Nana, Matsuda Ryuhei, and director Tomina Tetsuya! Highlights: A human drama set in the remains of a gold mine on Sado Island, Niigata Prefecture, depicting a man and woman who have lost their memories of the past. The man and woman, who have lost their names and memories of the past, meet and begin to act together. The director is Tomina Tetsuya, who has worked on films such as "Blue Wind Blows." In addition to Komatsu Nana and Matsuda Ryuhei, who has worked on films such as "Crybaby Shottan's Miracle," the cast also includes Otake Shinobu, Kataoka Sennosuke, Ishibashi Shizuka, and Tanaka Min. Synopsis: A woman (Komatsu Nana) wakes up after collapsing at the remains of a gold mine on Sado Island. The woman, who has lost her memories of the past, is rescued by a cleaner, Kii (Otake Shinobu), and is taken to the house where she lives with two girls named Aka and Kuro. The girl, named Midori and working as a cleaner with Kii, meets a security guard (Ryuhei Matsuda) who has lost his memory just like her, and they are attracted to each other. Release date: May 31, 2024 Movie information: https://www.cinematoday.jp/movie/T002... Official website: https://watakushidomowa.com/ (C) TETSUYA to MINA film #NanaKomatsu #RyuheiMatsuda #Weare