The film is based on the true story of the unique feat of the KV-1 tank crew. Having accepted an unequal battle, Semyon Konovalov's crew destroyed 16 tanks, 2 armored vehicles and 8 vehicles with enemy manpower in the area of the Nizhnemityakin farm in the Tarasovsky district of the Rostov region. This is not a story of poster heroes, but of dashing, cheerful, very different guys who simply wanted to live, but at the decisive moment managed to make the only right decision and perform a feat worthy of legend. Starring: Andrey Chernyshov Vladimir Epifantsev Oleg Fomin Sergey Gorobchenko Olga Pogodina Nikolay Dobrynin Vasily Sedykh Vladimir Kochetkov Dmitry Zolotukhin Oleg Chudnitsov