Throughout the week, you have been able to follow the development of various plots that pepper the incredible "Prague Cemetery", the latest novel by Umberto Eco. The author agreed to give us an interview with his vision of what the activity of the hero, Simone Simonini, could be if he lived in the age of the Internet... This interview was set up as part of the Digital Week organized by the city of Bordeaux, and conducted on Wednesday, March 23 in Paris, at the Hôtel des Saint-Pères. http://www.mollat.com/livres/umberto-... Visit the site: http://www.mollat.com/ Follow the Mollat bookstore on social networks: Instagram: / Facebook: / librairie.mo... Twitter: / librairiemollat Linkedin: / votre-lib... Soundcloud: / librairie-mollat Pinterest: / librairiemo... Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/mollat