We are taking thorough measures to prevent infection. For more information, please visit the community. [Contents] There was not enough time for the crew to change, so the train departed after the scheduled departure time. Horn points 2:55 11:18 20:38 20:54 27:54 0:00 Kobe Sannomiya 1:20 Kobe Sannomiya - Okamoto 7:41 Okamoto 8:36 Okamoto - Shukugawa 12:10 Shukugawa 13:20 Shukugawa - Seihoku 16:17 Nishinomiya Kitaguchi 18:03 Seihoku - Tsukaguchi 22:14 Tsukaguchi 23:38 Tsukaguchi - Juso 28:45 Juso 30:00 Juso - Osaka Umeda 32:50 Osaka Umeda 33:41 Ending [BGM used] / @noiseless_world [Train icon in thumbnail] http://www.trainfrontview.net/f-sozai... [Associate column] https://amzn.to/3kuxk2H If you have any questions about using the footage or would like to contact us, please send a direct message on Twitter or email us at the following address: [email protected] *Some of the URLs use Amazon Associates links.