"The end of the heavy fighting, the hot phase of the war, is possible. We see this from various sources and from comments coming from the West from politicians who say: Let's prepare for negotiations. Let's prepare Ukraine to be as strong as possible when negotiations take place," says Ukraine expert Lenka Víchová. "The territory is only partly at stake. Let's imagine that Ukraine gives up its territory because it was attacked by a stronger state. Where can we then guarantee that at some point another, stronger country will not attack a weaker state and start changing the borders? Either the borders exist and we respect them, or they do not exist for anyone - not only for Ukraine," Víchová adds about the importance of defending Ukrainian territory. What is life like in Ukraine during the war? "Life in Kiev is quite good. People go to work, children go to school, businesses have generators. But what you see on the surface does not reflect the everyday traumas and stress. Sirens at night and concerns about loved ones on the front line are a daily reality.” Watch the next episode of the program TAK URČITĚ! with Ukrainian expert Lenka Víchová.