This episode in the land of UFOs (unidentified flying objects) is special. This time, no extraordinary testimonies or observations: we will highlight those who study flying saucers, ufologists (for UFO, unidentified flying object), to try to understand what drives them in this inaccessible quest for the truth about UFOs. The most famous ufologist was an astronomer, his name was Joseph Allen Hynek. First a consultant for the US Air Force, he devoted his life to the study of UFOs (notably with the Blue Book commission). He was the one who created the classification grid for encounters of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd type. Skeptical when he began to study these phenomena, he became over the years the great defender of the UFO cause. Modern ufology begins on June 24, 1947 with the observation of Kenneth Arnold, who had observed 9 unknown flying machines above Mount Rainier. At first, the extraterrestrial hypothesis seems to be the one to impose itself on fans of strange stories. It is one of the first ufological hypotheses to try to explain the appearances of unidentified flying objects. A hypothesis still defended today by many ufologists: visitors from outer space come to monitor us aboard material devices. But over the years, landings, then extraterrestrial abductions have become far too numerous… This would suppose that dozens, hundreds of alien races from dozens and hundreds of different planets, would come to earth, almost 24 hours a day…. The 1st degree extraterrestrial hypothesis has difficulty meeting a certain logic, it must be admitted… This is why today, ufology has divided into different currents. There are always on one side, the defenders of the "metal and bolts" hypothesis who maintain that unidentified flying objects come from outer space, and then those who defend the socio-psychological hypothesis: yes, most UFO witnesses would be in good faith, but they must have been mistaken, confused with conventional devices, or even influenced by the media. Sociologists like Pierre Lagrange, interviewed in this podcast, have written fascinating books on UFOs and especially on ufologists. Because the more ufologists study unidentified flying objects, the more this unknown phenomenon escapes them. It is as if there should never be a final solution to the UFO enigma. Do UFOs really exist? We don't have the answer, but in the end, that's not the most important thing... Because UFOs, whether they are already here or not, at least already have the power to make us think about one of the biggest questions that humanity has always asked itself: are we alone in the universe? ————————————- The modern history of UFOs begins in 1947 in the United States. At the time, they were called "flying saucers" or "flying saucers" in French. An incredible story, with a hint of conspiracy and science fiction, told by Franck Istasse in 9 episodes richly illustrated with archives, testimonies and reconstructions to immerse us in the surprising world of UFOs. Find all the episodes of the series on Auvio via https://link.rtbf.be/Ovnis_podcast or on our site https://link.rtbf.be/LesOvnis 0:00 Ufology, another dimension - UFOs, the fascinating story (9/9) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ???? Find La Première on Auvio ► https://auvio.rtbf.be/chaine/la-premi... On the RTBF site ► https://www.rtbf.be/lapremiere On Facebook ► / lapremierertbf ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- © RTBF #ovnis #history #podcast #ufoキャッチャー #history #belgium #belgium #podcast #lapremiere #lapremierertbf #rtbf Ufology, another dimension - UFOs, the fascinating story (9/9) 2655005