The Federal University of Triângulo Mineiro (UFTM) is a public institution located in the cities of Uberaba and Iturama, both located in the state of Minas Gerais. Previously known as FMTM (Faculdade de Medicina do Triângulo Mineiro), the college located in Uberaba was transformed into a university in 2005 by decree of the federal government. The university campus in Iturama was inaugurated on February 13, 2015 and offers the following courses: Biological Sciences, Chemistry and Agronomy. The courses currently offered by UFTM-Uberaba are: Agronomy, Biomedicine, Biological Sciences, Rural Education, Physical Education, Nursing, Physics, Physiotherapy, Geography, History, Literature, Mathematics, Medicine, Nutrition, Psychology, Chemistry, Social Work, Occupational Therapy, Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Food Engineering, Production Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering. Presentation The Federal University of Triângulo Mineiro is a Federal Institution of Higher Education, established as an Autonomous Agency under a Special Regime, linked to the Ministry of Education. It was founded on April 27, 1953, under the name of the Faculty of Medicine of Triângulo Mineiro. After years of success and national and international recognition in the training of doctors, the FMTM served as the basis for the creation of the Nursing and Biomedicine courses and later for the creation of the UFTM. Its headquarters are located at Rua Frei Paulino nº 30 – Bairro Abadia, in Uberaba-MG. The UFTM has a total area of 108,889.41m² (owned properties), of which 27,494.44m² is the UFTM Clinical Hospital. The University plays a leading role in the Triângulo Mineiro region and today sees its area of influence expanded, extending to the interior of São Paulo, Goiás, Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul. The teaching provided by UFTM has been recognized as high quality, due to its scientific maturity, the progressive qualification of its faculty, investments in research and extension activities aimed at meeting the needs and aspirations of the local community and the region. There has always been, at UFTM, a growing interest in advancing the inseparability of teaching, research and extension, and in its 50 years of existence, UFTM has stood out in the area of research, with its concerns focused on solving local and regional problems. In this sense, it has dedicated special attention to Chagas disease, schistosomiasis, leishmaniasis and other tropical diseases common in the region. Brief History of UFTM Traditionally focused on health studies, the Federal University of Triângulo Mineiro, formerly the Faculty of Medicine of Triângulo Mineiro, was founded in 1953, obtaining authorization to operate the Medicine Course from 1954. Since its foundation, it has developed in quantitative and qualitative aspects, creating and operating, from 1989, the Undergraduate Course in Nursing, and from 2000 the Undergraduate Course in Biomedicine, bachelor's degree. In 2006, the Undergraduate Courses in Physiotherapy, Nutrition, Occupational Therapy and a Degree in Portuguese/Spanish and Portuguese/English Languages were implemented. In 2009, the Undergraduate Courses in Biological Sciences, Physical Education, Physics, Geography, History, Mathematics, Chemistry, and Social Service were implemented. In 2010, undergraduate courses in Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Food Engineering, Production Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Chemical Engineering were implemented. The Federal University of Triângulo Mineiro offers nineteen medical residency programs in various specialties and two specialization courses at the Lato Sensu postgraduate level. In 1987, the Strict Sensu postgraduate level created the Master's degree in Human Pathology and, today, offers Master's and Doctorate degrees in Pathology (with 05 areas of concentration) and in Tropical Medicine and Infectious Diseases (with 02 areas of concentration). Since 1987, the Advanced Course in Tropical Medicine has been offered with 10 places per year, which welcomes students from all over Latin America. Due to the high demand and seeking to implement its proposal to expand teaching activities in the health area, in 1990 UFTM obtained authorization to create Cefores - Special Training Center in Health, with the objective of training technicians to work in health services, currently offering five technical courses. SOURCE: https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Univers...