The Frankfurt am Main light rail/underground route to Enkheim is served by lines U4 and U7. The operator is Verkehrsgesellschaft Frankfurt am Main mbH (VGF). This video shows the shared section of the route between Schäfflestrasse and Enkheim. Line U7 from the direction of Johanna-Tesch-Platz meets the U4 coming from Seckbacher Landstrasse via the Ost depot shortly before the Schäfflestrasse station. The route in its current state of light rail expansion has existed since 1992. Before that, the route was used by trams. It initially runs north parallel to Am Erlenbruch and then turns left onto Borsigallee, where it runs in the middle. The former tram branch towards Bergen at the level of today's Gwinnerstrasse station was separated as part of the conversion to light rail operation and the route was closed. At the Kruppstrasse station there is a large P+R car park with a connection to the A66, which ended here at the time the photo was taken. The Hessen-Center station mainly serves the shopping center of the same name and other surrounding shops. The Enkheim terminus has interesting architecture with a large archway. There is also a large bus stop in the middle between the two tracks. The U7 line has been running here since 1992, the U4 line since 2008. The U4 line uses a connecting route between the B and C lines via the Ost depot, which opened in 2003. The U4 initially ran as far as Schäfflestraße on a trial basis for six months and was extended to Enkheim in December 2008. Not all U4 trains run to Enkheim; only every third train does so during peak hours, every second train during off-peak hours and every train only during off-peak hours (every 20 minutes). The other services only run to Seckbacher Landstraße (the former terminus). At the time of recording, the vehicle types used were U2e on the U7 line and U2e and U3 on the U4 line. In both cases, the manufacturer was DÜWAG. The U7 line is served by 3-car trains during peak hours, while the heavily frequented U4 line is served primarily by 4-car trains, which is also the maximum train length (approx. 100m). The individual stations can be found at the following points in the film: Schäfflestraße 01:55 Gwinnerstraße 09:10 Kruppstraße 16:57 Hessen-Center 22:56 Enkheim 29:48 (The recordings were made on October 29, 2012 with the kind support of VGF.)