What is the new layout? What is a custom keyboard? If you are wondering, start here • An efficiency-obsessed designer talks about the appeal of "keyboards" Love Talk Sites used for measurement https://o24.works/atc/ 0:00 Intro 1:54 Mato style https://note.com/mato_kb/n/nf57efe5d6ca0 Mato https://note.com/mato_kb/ 4:46 DHSB Kotonoha layout https://note.com/myomyomyo4256/n/nc3e... https://note.com/myomyomyo4256/n/ne1a... Svalboard Alpha https://note.com/myomyomyo4256/n/ne78... myomyomyo / hariganemushi1 8:22 Colemak https://colemak.com 3araht / 3araht 10:49 Simple Romaji input https://blog.shinamonlifelog.uk/6 Denshina https://misskey.systems/@den_shina 13:12 Onishi layout https://o24.works/layout/ Takuma Onishi / illlilllililill Taiga Mori https://8gcvyb6q9.wixsite.com/resty 9dpbQ / 9dpbq 15:45 New JIS layout https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%96%... 19:21 Yau layout https://yau-keyboard.webnode.jp/ 22:22 Yellowtail medium fatty tuna layout https://mobitan.hateblo.jp/entry/2024... https://mobitan.hateblo.jp/entry/2022... mobitan http://mobitan.org/ 25:49 T-Code private edition https://gist.github.com/oktopus1959/b... https://note.com/kanchokker/n/n213d76... https://gist.github.com/oktopus1959/7... Toshiyuki Oka / kanchokker 29:10 Video of the 20th bottle of evening primrose extract / 6cgyl2kam8rspav 31:06 Eucalyn sequence https://eucalyn.hatenadiary.jp/entry/... Eucalyn modification https://biacco42.hatenablog.com/entry... Biacco42 / biacco42 33:32 Doboraku https://github.com/TK-Laboratory/DvoRAKU TK Lab. / tk_lab_ 35:41 HGBTQ formula 025528 (Nakajima) / so25528 38:24 Renka https://jigendaddy.hatenablog.com/ Kenzo Ogawa / ken3_typer 40:25 Dvorak modified https://gist.github.com/WGGSH/92561d0... nao / wgg_sh 43:06 New geta layout https://kouy.exblog.jp/14387405/ Cuyz layout https://zenn.dev/paalon/articles/7501... JCtrl http://www1.vecceed.ne.jp/~bemu/act/J... naohachi / haoqkn 45:33 Yukihana https://github.com/h3at2o/sekka 47:33 Naginata style http://oookaworks.seesaa.net/article/... Oooka Toshihiko http://oookaworks.seesaa.net/ 50:05 Hansoku Kana typing https://github.com/junseinagao/hansok... Junpai / junpai_code 51:59 Enter Morse code https://twitter.com/forethumb/status/... Ryosuke Komatsu / leo_keeb 53:39 Outro Cast and editing assistance: Toshihiko Ooka BGM: Free music material MusMus Sound effects: Sound Effects Lab