There are seven main biomes in the world: Tundra, Taiga, Temperate Forest, Tropical Forest, Savannah, Prairie and Desert. Biomes are terrestrial ecosystems with characteristic vegetation and a predominant type of climate. These aspects give the biome its general and unique character. Biogeographical Kingdom: is a geographic region where a group of plant and animal species evolve and which is traditionally used as a basis for establishing regions of terrestrial ecosystems. Ecosystem: is a self-sustaining association of terrestrial plants and animals and their abiotic environment, characterized by specific classes of plant formations. Biomes: is a large and stable terrestrial ecosystem characterized by specific communities of plants and animals. The video presents the characteristics of forest biomes: ombrophilous, deciduous, semi-deciduous, prairies, savannas and temperate. Do you want to study at GabaritaGeo and excel in the HUMANITIES exams at ENEM, FUVEST, UNESP and UNICAMP? http://www.gabaritageo.com.br Contact: http://www.instagran.com/profjeangrafia #biomes #biomesoftheworld #biomesofbrazil ombrophilous biome semideciduous forest ombrophilous forest